Home Google Cloud


July 18, 2024
Comparing Azure, AWS, and GCP for HIPAA Compliance in the Digital Age

In 2018, the healthcare industry was shaken when Anthem, one of the largest US-based healthcare players, had to pay a staggering $16 million to settle a class-action lawsuit following a data breach. This …

February 01, 2024
Google AI Studio vs Azure AI Studio: Revolutionizing the Machine Learning Landscape

The landscape of machine learning and artificial intelligence is a rapidly expanding frontier, with Google AI Studio and Azure AI Studio emerging as key players. Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Strategic Cloud Platform Services …

January 18, 2024
Overviewing Google Cloud’s Toolkit for Generative AI

Did you know that 70% of AI unicorns operate on Google Cloud? Startups in the field of generative AI are exploring the extensive potentials of this technology, ranging from visual creation and content …

November 16, 2023
How to Protect Your Data With Google Cloud Platform

Nearly half of the world’s leading companies are planning to increase their investments in cloud tools due to the economic climate. These numbers not only confirm an ongoing trend but also show how …

March 03, 2023
Using Google Cloud Tools in Load Capacity Optimization

A high load capacity is not a negative attribute in IT. It is simply a characteristic of system’s operational conditions, which determines how well it can handle a certain level of demand. In …

June 29, 2021
Optimize Business Workflows Using Serverless Technology in GCP

Traditionally, when you needed more computing power to perform a certain business function, IT would allocate resources including servers that would handle processing. The cloud introduced virtualization and the ability to host servers …

September 08, 2020
Best Practices for Migrating Data to the Cloud

The benefits of having organizations move data to the cloud are well known. By moving to the cloud, companies can improve performance, create a flexible environment for storage, scale, and realize cost savings. …

August 26, 2020
Cloud Storage Best Practices for Enterprise Development

Whether you’re looking for cost savings or higher drive capacity, cloud storage has solutions for any enterprise. Even with its advantages, cloud storage requires a different approach compared to configuring internal network storage. …

June 08, 2020
Cloud Cost Management Considerations: Understand and Reduce Cloud Costs

Moving applications and infrastructure from on-premises and data centers to the cloud changes the economics of your costs. Indeed, one of the principle benefits of migrating to the cloud is to switch costs …