Home News Kanda partners with Snowflake to provide secure and scalable cloud data warehouse and analytics solutions to its clients

Kanda partners with Snowflake to provide secure and scalable cloud data warehouse and analytics solutions to its clients

We are excited to announce Kanda’s partnership with Snowflake to enable our clients to build best-in-class big data analytics solutions and drive in-depth real-time insights in the cloud.


Snowflake is a great solution for clients looking for speed, security, scalability, cost savings and agility of the Cloud. While many companies are transforming themselves into data-driven enterprises, it allows to enable and simplify data operations like analytics and insights delivery, visualization, and data governance.


Snowflake is a modern cloud data-warehouse-as-a-service that provides several advantages for clients looking for a flexible, scalable and cost-efficient data warehousing solution:

  • Little to no data warehouse management with automated tuning and scaling; no software and hardware to configure
  • Unlimited concurrency with compute resources added during peak times and scaled down during slack to ensure performance stability
  • Cloud-agnostic, with seamless scalability across AWS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure
  • A pay-per-usage model with flexible and dynamic compute power capacity
  • Separation of compute and storage resources provides even more savings and flexibility
  • Semi-structured data types support allows loading data without worrying about the schema
  • Data sharing between different accounts
  • Automatic data encryption
  • Analyze a variety of data structures (JSON, CVS, XML, etc.) and blend them by utilizing SQL

If you are looking to learn more about Snowflake and its potential for your business, contact Kanda to chat with our Snowflake Technical gurus.

We help our clients choose the right solution for their unique big data and analytics needs, integrate Snowflake into existing data solutions, setup efficient and scalable data warehouse tailored to your unique business objectives, and optimize Snowflake-based solutions for maximum efficiency.

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