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HuddleUp: SaaS Feedback Platform based on Net Promoter Score image
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HuddleUp: SaaS Feedback Platform based on Net Promoter Score

Fred Reichheld, Bain FellowAuthor of NPS methodology, Founder of HuddleUpI am very pleased with the way our relationship is developing.HuddleUp is a Software-as-a-Sevice Feedback Platform – A powerful solution based on Net Promoter® Score aimed to measure and leverage employee feedback. By providing employees with a collaboration platform to power decisions, action, and growth, HuddleUp leverages team wisdom, facilitates learning and inspires progress as teams discover the joy and deep satisfaction of pulling together to enrich the lives of customers and colleagues.

HuddleUp is a brainchild of Fred Reichheld, a Bain Fellow notorious his work in the area of customer and employee retention who has quantified the link between loyalty and profits. Before founding the company Fred created Bain & Company’s Loyalty Practice, which helps companies achieve results through customer and employee loyalty. He is the inventor of the New Promoter system of management and has authored several best-sellers.


HuddleUp team was looking to combine the simplicity of an online survey tool, confidentiality of a secret ballot, real-time reporting capabilities, data storage, automated analytics in the cloud to quickly capture the voice of every employee and turn ideas into progress.

Solution’s team-based architecture was designed to encourage responsible, reliable and constructive feedback focused on improving team performance harnessing the power of social media in a controlled way to manage organizational change and development.

HuddleUp team wanted the feedback to be collected via SPARQs – short polls asking the right questions. The system was supposed to be different from traditional corporate surveys that employees dread.


To bring its new capabilities faster to the market HuddleUp has engaged Kanda Software to assist with the development, QA and deployment of the SaaS offering. Each Kanda team takes pride in high-quality work, which reflects our solid technical skill set, commitment to client’s vision, company values and processes, and more than a decade long expertise.

System Attributes:

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  • Convenient app, accessible on smartphones, tablets and computers.
  • Secret ballot capability (anonymity requirements)
  • Real-time analysis and reporting
  • Short polls with only the vital few questions (avoids survey fatigue)
  • Platform for Best practice sharing and benchmarking
  • Team dynamics assessment system
  • Automated Actionable insights
  • Multi-tenancy access
  • Admin and user platforms
  • Transparent goal and progress tracking


Kanda has successfully designed and built HuddleUp solution that was quickly adopted by companies like PetCo, ZipCar, Intuit, RackSpace and others.


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