WorkPass was created as a part of Kanda’s Community Support Program to help Businesses Return to Work Safely.Administering a symptom screening questionnaire for each employee before they enter a workplace can be slow and cumbersome. It also creates a potential needless exposure of healthy co-workers if an individual with the symptoms reports to work.
WorkPass is a Covid-19 symptoms screening solution for employers that helps decrease the likelihood of people suffering from an active case of COVID-19 coming to work.
It encourages workers to conduct self-assessment of their own health prior to coming to work by answering a simple questionnaire. In case symptoms are present, a worker is asked to stay home or contact their healthcare provider.
MassBio, a non-profit organization that represents and provides services and support to the #1 Life Sciences cluster in the world, was one of the first users to adopt WorkPass as a part of company’s return-to-work policy.
MassBio advances Massachusetts leadership in Life Sciences to grow the industry, add value to the healthcare system, and improve patient lives. The company represents the premier global Life Sciences and Healthcare Hub, with 1300+ members dedicated to preventing, treating, and curing diseases through transformative science and technology that brings value and hope to patients.
“WorkPass has been instrumental to easing our transition back to the office, providing employees peace of mind that MassBio is doing everything they can to protect their wellbeing and helping us easily track visitors to ensure everyone is following our protocols around COVID-19. Any business that is considering how to safely return more workers to the office or lab should consider adopting WorkPass.”–
Kendalle Burlin O’Connell, Chief Operating Officer, MassBio
WorkPass is Free for organization to use and customize. It is available as a SaaS as well as native iOS and Android applications. If you are interested in using Workpass for your organization, please reach out to