In the light of the continued spread of Coronavirus around the world, I would like to personally ensure our clients and partners that Kanda is fully prepared to continue providing the high standard of service delivery you’ve come to expect.
We recognize you have entrusted us to power your mission-critical applications and take this responsibility very seriously.
The disruption is palpable and near-universal. Empty streets, offices, campuses and stadiums as none of us have ever seen before. It goes without saying that right now all of us at Kanda are focused on the health and safety of our families, employees, friends, customers and partners.
Even today, as the crest of the crisis is still ahead of us, we should not lose sight of the fact that we Will Be Back!
Over the past twenty seven years in business, we have had many reasons to developed and refine our business continuity plans. We have also been fortunate to have survived and subsequently prosper after many a calamity large and small.
I am personally confident that we will all persevere and prosper in this one – and we will do it together.
I would like to thank you for your trust – we will continue to do what it takes to deserve it.
I wish you and your family safety and good health.
Best regards,
Alex Karpovsky
CEO of Kanda Software